Tis the season!
Holiday Parties are back in full effect! Be it a small gathering or corporate. Either way it’s happening.
Surely you have clothing you’ve not had a chance to wear due to COVID, and/or there hasn’t been an opportunity. Now is the time to wear your holiday outfits.
But wait, you have a few fit issues.
We all know that the sizing chart used by the fashion industry is a joke. No one is the shape of a square box. Everyone has curves big and small, one shoulder higher than the other, one leg longer than the other, and so on. In all my years of sewing, I’ve not met a perfect body yet.
That said, the best way to get to your perfect outfit(s):
1. Shop your closet to identify your holiday clothing.
2. Try each item on going through the process of elimination by using these categories:
Keep it
Has potential
No way
3. Put outfits together based on your “keep it’s” (only). No doubt you’ll have incomplete outfits but you can add from your “has potential” to arrive at a complete outfit.
4. Narrow down to your 3 favorite outfits.
Here is the best part,
Schedule a free virtual “This Outfit is Fire” consultation https://www.studiotissue8.com/service-page/holiday-dressing-consultation-2022 (receive a discount on your first alterations service).
You’re on the way to 3 fantastic holiday outfits!
Once your clothes have been tailored to fit, you’ll look fantastic and feel absolutely beautiful and amazing.
You can thank me later.